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Display & Media
World of Tanks 1.0

For the launch of the new World of Tanks version 1.0 game, which includes a new graphics engine, remastered maps and remastered music, Biborg collaborated with Wargaming on an online digital campaign. The campaign included YouTube video trueview formats, pre-rolls, YouTube bumper ads, a rich media display campaign and social paid media units. The campaign was diffused in France, Germany, Poland, UK and the Czech Republic at the beginning of March 2018 and continues until the end of April.

Besides the creation and production of the campaign, Biborg worked on the conception of the YouTube trueview, production of the 3D elements as well as the sound design created in partner with Stereoplane. The creative idea was to play on the notion of power, some directly relating to the countries of diffusion and others more on a general level. In a slightly humoristic twist, the creatives compared powerful elements with the power of World of Tanks, for example in France the videos referred to the old powerful French war over what to call the famous chocolate-filled pastry treat, known to most as a “pain au chocolat” vs. the rival term “chocolatines”. In order to capture the users attention in the first 5 seconds (the moment where the user can’t skip the ad), this element of power was boosted in the introduction, in a full CG video.

Of course the power level of the Tanks always won.